Saturday 1 September 2012

Vacation sucks.

I am a nerd, through and through. I own more books than I do of any other material possession, I collect comics, I want my own sonic screwdriver (a TARDIS is a bit too ambitious, don't you think), I'm doing a double major in University, and my role model growing up was Lois Lane. This may explain why for the past month I've been ready for summer to end. Yes, I did just go there. Since the first week of August I have been counting down the days until summer was over and I could get back to school and study my little heart out.

I live for the days where I'm on campus from early morning to late night, the days where I drink copious amounts of caffeine (well, more even more than my usual obscene amounts of coffee) because I spent the night before cramming for a test or finishing an essay, the days where my eyes feel like they're about to fall out if I read one more word. I love school.

And I hate vacation. Well, I hate long vacations. Well, I hate long vacations where it feels like I'm doing nothing of particular interest or importance.

Now, I don't want it to sound like since school got out in April that I've been sitting on my rear bumper doing nothing; in fact it's quite the opposite. I took a spring course through May and June and I've been working on  campus full time from May til right about now. I've been rather successful at keeping myself busy this summer. But it just didn't quench my geek thirst, despite my avid book reading and Doctor Who watching.

I belong in a classroom. This has been proven time and again in my life. I excelled in high school, not socially of course (I mean, I was the editor of the school paper; I was definitely not popular). But I was great at the real reason why teenagers are sent to high school: the "book smart" part. My teachers loved me and I loved the work they gave. I may have been the only person in class to not complain or grumble when we were given extra readings or whatnot (think Hermoine Granger, but less smug and not an awesome wizard). I even graduated a year younger than the other wizards, I mean students my age due to the fact that I started school a year sooner than I should have.

After I graduated I kind of flopped around a lot and didn't really commit to or succeed at anything. I worked at a call center, I volunteered full time and later worked at a church as a youth worker-type-person, I worked night shifts at a gas station, I moved to Ontario for 16 months, I was in two pretty serious relationships (at separate times) that I later broke off, I started Bible College through distance education, but didn't finish even one course.

When I was finally convinced to go back to school (four years after my high school graduation) one of my closest friends told me something that has really stuck with me because it's true. She said  (not necessarily word-for-word) "You kind of peaked in high school Becks. You were on your game when you were in school and kind of dropped the ball afterwards. I'm really excited that you're going back to school though! You'll flourish there. You belong in a classroom." And she was so right!

My place is in a lecture hall or a breakout room with a textbook or two in my lap and notes in front of me. I do well when my nose is buried in a book. This is why vacations tend to suck for me. I hate being away from what I love.

I understand that you need a certain amount of time away from school and that your brain would basically blow up otherwise, blah blah blah. But I really do miss school almost the exact minute it's over. I have no clue what I plan to do once I graduate and get into my chosen field of work. Mind you, I am planning on becoming a lawyer and that job entails a lot of writing, research, and reading so everything may turn out okay (it's almost like I chose that field for a reason or something ridiculous like that).

Anyway, this was a blog that I intended to go in a slightly different direction, but my thoughts got away from me (as per usual). It's also not the blog that I had promised all those months ago (but it's still something).

Moral of the blog: I'm a nerd, I enjoy school (possible far too much), and I need to learn to enjoy my time off of school.

'Til next time,


Follow my insanity on Twitter!

Sunday 1 April 2012

"Jaws" Tweet Blast

Hey Homeslices! I'm working on a new blog entry (a real one), but in the meantime I figured I'd compile this collection while you're all waiting (because I know that all of your lives revolve around my every word, haha). The following are the tweets that I wrote while watching one of my favorite movies Jaws on February 25th. Enjoy!

Watching on , plus it's Oscars Sunday... could this day get any better?! :D

It worries me that the largest shark is recorded to have been found off the coast of where I live... (watching )

*Correction to my last tweet: one of the largest Great White Sharks...

May I just say that the mayor in this movie drives me up a wall and I almost wish that he gets eaten by the shark...  

"It's only an Island if you look at it from the water." "Well that makes a lot of sense" HAHAHA! I love !

Dreyfuss, why would you get in the water when there is a known man-killing shark on the loose?  

I really, really, really dislike the mayor. Why does he survive this movie?!  

"You're the mayor of shark-town!" haha!  

Quint has such an epic facial expression right now...  

And that fishing line does NOT look thick enough for shark fishing... I watch too much . It ruins Shark movies for me.  

John Williams... you're the man!  

Quint's story of the thousands of sharks still confuses me.. how did this happen?  

Quint always reminded me of Captain Ahab from Moby Dick...  

A handgun... against a 25 ft Great White... REALLY? C'mon!  

Did Quint just say that he was going to drown a shark? *facepalm*  

Clarinet solo! Thank you John Williams! :)  

And cue ominous music to tell you to feel scared!  

Why is the shark cage being held by only a normal piece of rope? What happens if the shark bites if off?  

should have been on the shark-killing expedition... he attacks sharks when he smells them bleed, haha.

That shark is definitely more than 25 feet long...  

Oh yea... I forgot that Quint died in this movie... *sad face*  

And down goes the little boat...  

NOW he gets a shot gun... honestly...

And big explosion to end the movie... are you sure this is a Speilburg film and not Michael Bay? haha  

Did I really just write over 20 tweets about ?... I need a life, haha

So there ya have it homeslices, don't forget to follow my insanity on Twitter, because you know that if I can write over 20 Tweets about Jaws then following me makes you awesome!

My real blog post should be up in the next few days. 

'Til next time,


Sunday 25 March 2012

How Can This Ever Be Good?

I have been blessed with depression.

Yes, you read that correctly: blessed. No I was not being sarcastic. No I was not mocking anyone or anything. I legitimately mean it; I have been blessed with the gift of depression.

I know I'm making your head hurt, and I'm sorry. But stay with me for a few minutes while I explain my word choice. Hopefully the ache in your head with lessen or maybe even completely go away by the time I'm done.

Summarized Back Story: My life growing up wasn't horrible, but it certainly wasn't ideal. There were some unpleasant events that happened in my childhood and they (un)fortunately helped shape me. As a teenager I went through the usual angst that most go through, only mine never really went away. It grew up a bit, in that it's less & less about trivial matters and more & more about larger life and/or world issues. But I was never able to get past that constant unhappy feeling in the back of my mind. I couldn't change it, run from it, or force it to be happy. When I was 18 years old I finally went to my doctor at the time, became officially diagnosed with clinical depression, received a prescription for an anti-depressant, and was recommended to a psychologist. After a while I enrolled in a 16 month, residential, intensive counseling program; while still taking my anti-depressants. After I graduated from the program I moved back home, fell back into some destructive patterns, and generally screwed my life up for a year or so. After that got old and I realized what I was doing, in an attempt to get my act together I moved 5 hours away to a tiny little (sometimes backwards) island in Canada called PEI, enrolled in University and am now in the process of finishing my first year (yay me). Over all my life is generally great, but there are still days (the majority of days, in fact) where it's a battle every morning to get out of bed. I'm seeing a counselor here on the Island, but there is that feeling that my life is basically horrible... or something to that extent.

But here's the thing: my depression is a blessing to me. I have not been able to see it as this until recently and I certainly don't see it as such all the time. But it is such a blessing in my life. For so many years (and I really do mean many, pretty much since I was 10 or 11) I have prayed, and begged, and pleaded with God: "Please, please take this from me. This is a burden I can not bear. This is too heavy for me to hold. I can't do this anymore! Either take this depression from me, or take me from this earth." I would go to bed praying for an endless sleep and be disappointed when I woke up still alive.

After I was on my anti-depressants things got a bit better. I would still pray prayers similar to those above, but they were more like: "Please help me with this. You've given me the tools to deal with this, but it's a little too heavy right now. Could you lend me a hand?" And on the days that were good I praised Him and thanked Him for the blessing of a day that I didn't have to fight the darkness inside my mind. I thanked Him for the one day of relief because it gave me strength for the days ahead where there would be no reprieve. But even then I viewed it as a curse. Something that I managed. Something that caused me to suffer through life until those blessed days where I was able to see the sun shining.

Several months ago I was listening to a sermon being delivered by a keynote speaker at a conference held at one of the many churches on PEI. He spoke about depression and things like it. At the end of his sermon he read a letter from a very dear friend of his mother's who suffers from massive depression (the friend, not the mother). I can not remember what the letter said, but I do remember its impact on me. Whatever was in that letter opened my eyes to the blessing that depression is in my life. And slowly my outlook began to change, but God wasn't (and isn't) finished with me yet.

Just this Sunday the pastor at my church was speaking on how God answers every prayer, but we don't always see it. And this isn't anything that I haven't heard before, since I've grown up in the church; but he really put a new spin on it. What he said brought me back to that place where I was able to see my depression as a gift and I began to think about it more.

Here's the thing: my depression has almost always led me to a closer relationship and dependance on God. On the days where it takes every ounce of my energy and willpower to get out of bed, I pray for strength and for help. On the days where I can see a clear sky and I am bursting full of energy, I thank him for the reprieve.

Did God cause me to be depressed, solely for this purpose? I honestly don't know, but I don't think so. My depression may be from a predisposition in my brain chemicals (it tends to run on the female side of my family); it may be an unconscious response to some of the unpleasant incidences from my childhood; it may be something seasonal prone to occur when my Vitamin D is low; it may be a combination of all of the above... I don't really know exactly what caused/causes it, and I don't know if it's at God's hands. But I do know that God uses it for His glory.

My depression brings me to my knees before God everyday, either in request or in thanks. It causes me to rely on Him. This is what I would define as a blessing. Something in my life that forces me to see God in my everyday and forces me to kneel before Him daily, sometimes hourly. My depression is a blessing and I am grateful for how God uses me because of it.

'Til next time,

Follow my insanity on Twitter!

Yes, Another Move.

Hello Homeslices,

Okay, I know this is my third blog move in about a year's time. But I just can't seem to find a blog site that offers everything that I want. I had a friend recommend this one to me and so here I am making a new blog. Please bear with me as I go through the painful process of customizing it and making into something that doesn't make you want to slowly claw your eyes out.

My previous blog was:

And the one before that is linked in the post "Hello World" in October 2011.

I have a new post idea bouncing around in my head and I am hoping to have it up here before this weekend. Don't hold me to that, though. As you can see, I am a horrible blogger when it comes to keeping a schedule. One of my New Year's resolutions was to blog at least once a month... guess I failed that one.

'Til next time,

Follow my insanity on Twitter!

Saturday 31 December 2011

Am I Pretty?

In the past couple days I have gone out shopping with my gift cards from Christmas. I was hoping to buy a new pair of pants. When I got to the store I found a style that I liked in a couple colors that looked promising. I found two pairs in a size that is a couple sizes bigger than the number that I currently wear, so I decided to try them on. But when I got to the fitting room I could barely get the pants over my hips! I double checked the size of both pairs of pants and went back to the rack to look at other sizes in the same style. When I found a pair that looked to be the same width as my current pants I was shocked to see that the size number was at least four or five sizes larger than any pants that I currently own.
By this time I was too upset to try on any other clothing, so I ended up walking out after buying a DVD set; with no new pants, and a bit of a blow to my self-image. Afterwards when I was thinking about this situation, it made me think about beauty and what the media’s image of beauty is.
Whether the pants’ mis-sizing is an oddity or the result of outsourcing, it represents what this world expects of the young women today. The media and clothing retailers tell us that to be beautiful, young women are supposed to be very skinny (unhealthy and malnourished), well-dressed (vain), and tanned & clear skinned (chemically washed). But only a hundred years ago the image of beauty was extremely pale and slightly plump, because it meant that this woman was rich and didn’t need to work. But beauty shouldn’t be defined by the current trend, rather by something that will last much longer than skin, make-up, weight, and clothes.
When I got home from the pants fiasco, I knew that I needed some encouragement about beauty and I knew where to turn. I’d like to share the redefinition of beauty with the class…
There are two Bible verses in particular that have helped me redefine what I see as beauty. The first is Ecclesiastes 3:11 that talks about how God will make everything beautiful in its own time. When I’m feeling especially “un-pretty” this verse has reminded me many times that God brings out my beauty when the time is right. (Also, I think that this verse can be related to those of us who are single; meaning that God will make us beautiful to our future spouse when the time is right.)
The second verse is 1 Peter 3:3-4 that says: “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewellery or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” This reminds me that the beauty that counts isn’t rated or gauged by what’s covering this sack of skin and bones, but rather what you are like as a person. It gives me hope that even though I will never look like I belong on the cover of a magazine, that I am still beautiful because God sees me as such. Anyone can have unfading beauty, but next to no one can have the “perfect” (fake) body of a supermodel.
Recently a song has really been sticking out to me by the artist Pink. (*I do not endorse her music or this song, it’s just appropriate for this blog entry. If you take the initiative to look it up on your own, I apologize for the swearing*). This song is called “F***in’ Perfect” and the chorus says “Pretty, pretty please/ Don’t you ever, ever feel/ Like you’re less than/ less than perfect./ Pretty, pretty please/ If you ever, ever feel/ Like you’re nothing/ You are perfect to me.” This is exactly what I hear God saying to me through the verses I mentioned and I pray that each of you will be able to hear this too. Each and every one of us is perfect in His eyes and we don’t have to do anything to be any more beautiful to Him.
So the next time that you look in the mirror and think “If only…” remember that God defines beauty differently. To Him, you are beautiful just the way that you are.
(For the record: I did have a lot more written, but my internet crashed and I lost my entire entry. I was not impressed. This is the best that I could remember of what I had written.)
'Til next time,

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Corrupting the Youth of Today

So I've started to watch a new TV series, which is a little on the creepy and weird side. What drew my attention after watching the first episode (and the reason why I'm writing this post) is that the co-creator and co-writer of this series is Ryan Murphy. Murphy is the think-tank behind Glee.
Before he came up with the singing cash-cow, Mr. Murphy was the creator of Nip/Tuck, a wildly successful show with adult audiences. The thing is, Nip/Tuck was about two plastic surgeons, one of whom was a sex-addicted playboy, while the other was married to a wife with an adultery problem and had a son who was confused about his sexuality. Not as edgy as his new show, American Horror Story (the one that I've begun watching), but still pretty out there.
After Nip/Tuck came Glee, the biggest teen phenomenon since Twilight. It is a teen show that does push boundaries, but it's still a show directed towards teens and tweens, at its base.
Now that Glee has Murphy rolling in some serious dough, he's decided to tackle another show: American Horror Story. This show follows a family as they move into a new home that has had many (and I mean MANY) deaths on the property, most of them the family is unaware of. This house is haunted by their spirits and the family is generally unaware of the fact that these weird-o creeps that keep visiting them are ghosts and not real people; plus there's something creepy (possibly a Frankenstein-ish monster) that's living and killing people in their basement. The family has its share of problems too: the wife had a miscarriage within the last year (and is pregnant again... possibly by the house?), the husband had an affair (and got the girl pregnant), and the teenage daughter is a cutter who is in love with one of the ghosts (without knowing that he's a ghost). I know, I know... weird.
After watching several episodes of this new show and researching Nip/Tuck (as I have never seen even a minute of the show before), it got me to wondering why we let our youth watch Glee? I mean, don't get me wrong... I am a sold out Gleek and the running plot-line of AHS has me at least a little hooked. But, why are we letting children watch (and be influenced by) Glee, when it came out of the same mind that gave you the creepy show about a risk-ey haunted house and the creepy show about plastic surgery and sex?
Some things to take into consideration when thinking about this are things like the fact that our culture is already obsessed with sex. You can't search ANYTHING in Google or other search engines without getting at least one result that's porn. I once heard (although I can't verify this) that one out of every five results from an internet search engine is porn. Allowing youth to watch a show that was created by someone who clearly has no issues with some pretty "kinky" stuff is a little bit of a risk, don't you agree? Even Glee itself is a little out there. Every episode has at least one sexual innuendo and there are at least 7 characters that are either gay, bi-sexual, or have "experimented". And the next episode is entitled "I Kissed A Girl", featuring Katy Perry's song by the same name. The preview of this upcoming episode hints that a few of the girls will share that they have kissed (or something more intense than that) another girl at some point thus far in their lives.
Another thing, is that there is a new obsession forming with the supernatural and the afterlife. As a believer in God, I normally wouldn't mind this because it can spark an interest in Christianity. But, this new obsession isn't about where you're going when you die, nor is it about angels and God. It's about sticking around here postmortem (which is not possible, Biblically speaking), and about monsters and demons. This obsession is very dark and isn't going to turn very many (if any) people to the right side of the coin. If a series like AHS can come out of the same grey matter that brought you Glee, don't you think there will some cross-over (in two ways). One way, is that because the choir show has been so popular with youth, there will likely be some that will start watching AHS just because Murphy's name is attached to it. Another way, is that Murphy may possibly bring some supernatural aspects to Glee; it won't likely be in a big way, probably just little things like the episode last season about God (that basically said that He didn't exist), or things like that.
Again, don't misunderstand me here. I love Glee. It's very entertaining and the music is great. But should we be letting young people be influenced by a man that is clearly disturbed (at least a little)? If this is what comes from of his creative outlets, there's definitely got to be at least some of it floating around his noggin because he believes it in some part.
I'm not trying to offer a solution or say that Ryan Murphy's shows should be banned from young adults. All that I'm trying to do here is state what's been floating around my head since watching a few episodes of AHS, and raise a few questions about how media may be corrupting our youth. I only use this as an example.
'Til next time,

Follow my insanity on Twitter!

Monday 31 October 2011

Hello World!

Hello everyone!
This is my first official posting on this site. The previous two I moved from my old blog ( As you can see, I have been very slack on my postings. I will be better about this! I am going to commit (not tentatively this time; this time for sure) to posting a new blog AT LEAST once a month. I know that's not very often for a lot of people, but with all the writing I'm doing for University I find it hard to motivate myself to do recreational writing. Even though I love writing!
Anyway, this will not count as my post for November, so keep your eyes peeled for the latest wacky, insane thought to make its way from my head (a very scary place) onto this site.
'Til next time,

Follow my insanity on Twitter!